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Dec 13, 2017

As 2017 is coming to an end, I wanted to reflect on my journey so far. It’s been an interesting adventure. I know, I only launched the podcast in Oct 2017, but there are a lot of lessons that I wanted to share. Both professionally and personally.  2017 was a big year for me as I made some massive changes.  The bigger surprise was around my own personal development.
In this episode, E09 -  
  • I wanted to share the 2017 adventures 
  • My own surprising personal transformation
  • Walk through my own lessons of what worked and didn’t work
  • Plus, share my 3 big goals in 2018

2017 was another milestone year for me. I feel like I take a new adventure on every 10 years.  10 years ago, in 2007, I decided to move to England. I wanted to work and travel Europe. Did that for many many years.  Now, I'm back on Canadian soil and ready for my next adventure.

I have my own version of a bucket list that I need to experience. This time, it was to do something entrepreneurial. I’ve been working in big corporate worlds in the field of management consultancy for nearly two decades … From Accenture, to Rogers Cable to Amdocs. I’ve been a corporate bunny for quite a bit of my life.

I’ve always been on the side line, helping clients develop & shape their growth strategies, enabling innovation with their customers and employees, launching new systems and products and so on.  I’ve done this for many clients globally and learned a lot. I love learning.  The truth was, that I wasn’t learning much anymore. I’ve always had a fear of my brain elasticity no longer being stretched.  I was up to speed and had developed thought leadership and insights around industry and technological trends. I found myself teaching & coaching more than actually learning. The thing about my natural DNA is that I need to learn.. I’m curious about almost everything and anything.

So, in April 2017, I left the corporate world to start a new adventure.  I’ve always wanted to do something entrepreneurial and building something on my own. I wanted to play in the sandbox with other entrepreneurs. Learn by doing and on my own terms.   I became a strategic advisor for a few start-ups, worked on a few Internet of things product launches and wanted to launch a podcast.    The originally intent of the podcast was to prove my mentor wrong and to show case Canadian Innovators that are changing the conversation.  This podcast has been one of the projects that has had me over the moon excited and fired up!
Developing & launching the podcast was an eye opening experience. I learned a lot and discovered more than I had originally bargained for.  I’ve always been able to build, define a vision for my clients. However, building and defining my own vision was hard.  I fell victim to the Imposter Syndrome. For those that don’t know what Imposter Syndrome is, it’s a concept describing individuals who are marketed by an inability to internalize their accomplishments and have a persistent fear of being exposed as a‘fraud’. It is very real and really hard to overcome. It’s the internal struggle and our own inner voice that creates this syndrome. I never thought that I would fall victim to this syndrome. I’ve always been confident in my abilities for my clients. This was about me and my confidence for me. I never thought I would face this barrier. 
First, I had to recognize what I was going through. I have to thank my friend, Amanda for teaching me about the Imposter Syndrome.   Then I needed to CRUSH these inner fears. I used a lot of different tools and tactics that I used with my clients in Innovation workshops.   After talking to many others, I’ve noticed that this is growing in nature and many others are facing these fears.  So, in 2018, I plan on sharing those tools that I utilized, so that Others can break through their own barriers.
Confidence doesn’t happen overnight.  This leads me to my next adventure that I didn’t see coming. Learning to take the microphone and having a voice!
I have learned a lot in 2017.  Here are a few of my lessons learned and that I’m going to apply in 2018.
Some things that I could’ve done better
  • Having courage to have done this sooner!!!  That 5 seconds of courage is all I needed. 
    • Deciding to no longer be a corporate bunny
    • Finding my own voice 
    • Understanding my natural DNA - the things that truly make me happy
    • Launching the podcast and so on…
  • Asking for help - my goodness… I forgot the biggest and most important thing… asking for help.   Entrepreneurs become victim of the HERO complex all the time. I can do everything myself…. TRUTH IS.. we probably can.. but WHY?  No one became successful by themselves. Everyone needs support.  Well, I have finally taken steps to get help.  Ricky has now joined the CanInnovateh team and is going to be instrumental in helping build and drive the infrastructure. There are tonnes of requests to be on the podcast (I’m behind and slow on emails), editing takes a lot of time and so on… Ricky is going to be brilliant!  You’ll hear more about Ricky and his amazing bag of tricks, skills and tools.  I wish I had engaged him earlier to help.
  • Needed to learn when to say ‘YES’ and when to say ‘NO’.  The ‘WHEN’ part of that statement is key.  I genuinely want to help everyone… however it needs to be at the right time. I need to stay focused and not let others derail my goals.  So, I’m always happy to help, but the ‘WHEN’ doesn’t come at a sacrifice to my own goals. Sometimes, I’m like a little puppy that gets excited about EVERYTHING… 
Here are some things that worked well
  • Being out there in the industry & networking. I really enjoy meeting and learning from people. Getting out there in the industry and the different events has been really helpful in promoting the brand and building relationships.  These relationships were the early adopters that took a chance on being on my podcast as we were building visibility.
  • Getting a podcast mentor, Jeff Brown. He was amazing. I don’t have a media background, so I did get intimidated in launching a podcast (plus the Imposter Syndrome). You really need to have someone to talk to. 
  • Tapping into my natural DNA.  Taking the time to do an inventory check in what I really enjoy doing and what being part of has been instrumental.  Doing what I naturally enjoy doing has been key. 
2018 is going to be an exciting year. I have a goals for 2018. 
  • Rebrand CanInnovateh podcast - dropping the ‘h’ but giving it a little bit of face-lift.  I was able to test and try early and now it’s time to tweak and further enable the growth. We have already proven that Canadians can Innovate. We are now going to continue to focus on Innovators that are changing the the game. However, we are also going to create tools for others so that they can innovate their businesses to become more innovative. 
  • I took the corporate world lessons and applied it to small/medium sized businesses and then some concepts to start-ups. But I’m seeing is that there are lessons/tips from the business world that can shape our personal development.  For example,  Every business struggles with cash flow and I’m seeing that lots of individuals are struggling with the same thing.  Cash Flow is instrumental for any sized business.  How we manage our personal cash flow is going to be applied to our businesses. I’m going to create some tools to help others with this and many more. I’m going to create some training courses to help people succeed.
  • Give Back - I love volunteering and helping others, especially helping others change the direction in their lives. I’m going to look for a non-profit to volunteer in. Everyone deserves a 2nd or 3rd chance to change their lives
As 2017 comes to an end.. a new beginning starts… a new chapter
I really challenge each and everyone one of us…. To have 5 seconds of courage and do something differently.  There is no downside.   In 2017, The 5 seconds of courage has given me the courage to leave the corporate world, defeated imposter syndrome (for now), tapped into a creative outlet and continue to learn and grow.  
There will be no episode next week as I’m going to take some time to connect with Friends & Family.    However, I do want to leave you with a few thoughts throughout the holidays:
  • Unleash your curiosity and see where it takes you
  • Embrace your inner child
  • Apply 5 seconds of courage
Thank you all for being part of my journey and I’m really pumped for 2018.  Sending you all positive vibes and can’t wait to hear about your new adventures.
Remember, focus on growing our lives, not just our businesses… Have a very happy, healthy holiday season that is filled with love, curiousity and laughter!
Best Always,